Lea started this blog as a fundraiser as her way of saying thanks to the Westmead Childrens Hospital in Sydney for the help she and her family receive for their little girl who has Cystic Fibrosis. You can read about the condition here.
She has beautiful crafty packs and handmade items, which she sells and donates 100% to the hospital.
Remember this is all her supplies and her creativeness and time to make and put every together. I think thats pretty fantastic ! ... dont you.
So pop on over to the little bits of pretty blog (she also has a great giveaway till Wed 15th Dec), and also visit Leas other crafty blog we love to make stuff , support Leas fundraiser and the great work of the Westmead Hospital !
Here are some photos of my vintage map garlands that I bought, and a special thank you note from Bella ! and a little lucky dip thank you present (handmade vintage envelopes, loved them too)... and some cute little butterflies that my little boy kindly placed on the flowers in the front garden.
Thanks Lea & Bella ! The whole package was such a treat to receive.
how cute are those envelopes?